Magical Journey to Mt Shasta (PT4)

‘The End is but the beginning’

Welp here it is. The final installment. I’ve enjoyed documenting the journey. I hope you, whoever you are and will become, have enjoyed following along. And I hope you’re inspired by some or all of it. Truth be told, I’m also glad to wrap it up and give my full to focus the integration work. Funny enough, it was communicated to/through me just the other today, in the channeled end portion of a Multidimensional Divine Light Transmission session, that I have “no idea the magnitude of all that took place in Mt Shasta.” Not exactly sure how to feel about that! But I’ve gotten pretty used to the not knowing; to surrendering, allowing things to be revealed in Divine timing.

We could all do worse than that.

In the meantime, enjoy, and thanks for reading!

Day 4: solo destination: panther meadows

It was no question where I was headed this day. Planned on it, felt it, and my higher guidance (Heretofore: ‘HG’) confirmed it. The only thing I didn’t know was where exactly where I’d be taken once there, or what would occur. That’s the fun part.

As mentioned in prior installments, Panther Meadows is famous for being where Saint Germain was said to have appeared to Guy Ballard (sobriquet: Godfre Ray King) in August of 1930-something, reminding him of his prior embodiment soul contracted mission, and initiating a relationship that would become a series of dictations, books, and an entire esoteric ‘I AM’ movement. A movement that spawned many offshoots, and sure as for every ism there’s an eventual schism, each branch over time either quietly or not so quietly claimed to be the only true, official source of the teachings, yada, yada. I could care less about any of that. As many famous mystics, universalistic religious scholars, renegade theologians, talented channels, and NDE-ers have suggested, The Holy Ones find it humorous how we quibble over who has the market on The Truth. As if anyone with a body, or any one does to the exclusion of all others. That is, when they’re not weeping over the unnecessary bloodshed and loss of life that’s flowed out of such ego-based ignorance.

‘Truth is One, Sages know it by many names’ (Rig Veda).

But I digress!


Panther Meadows, for the above described reason, is no doubt at least part of why I felt ‘the call’ to the mountain. Because Saint Germain—the said-to-be-immortal Master of Alchemy, Chohan of the Seventh Ray/Seven Sacred Flames, Purveyor of The Violet Transmuting Flame, and the man who Voltaire famously called ‘The man who never dies and knows everything”— showed up as my Gateway Guide, along with other Illumined Ones, in my rock bottom hour of Dark Night madness.

The identity and presence of Saint Germain was interpreted to me in a reading by seer/channel/author Dr. Norma Milanovich, whom I was synchonistically/Divinely led to for corporeal clarity in that aforementioned internal hell state, roughly five years ago. I was marginally aware of the name Saint Germain and the concept of Ascended Masters at large, specifically from a meditation group I participated in back in 2004 or so. I remember the leader kept telling me that [Ascended Master of the Fourth Ray] Serapis Bey, was ALL around me each week. But I knew little about Saint Germain’s legacy or the other Masters in this tradition.

The other two that Dr. Milanovich [channeling Ascended Master Kuthumi, said to be St Francis of Assissi in a prior embodiment] perceived to be working to help me, alongside Saint Germain, were Melchezidek and Yeshua/Christ. There was more about this involving prior lifetimes that I couldn’t take in at all and I’ve felt out forgotten what all was said about that. I only knew that at the time, the initial interpretation felt right. Perhaps if only because I felt so desperately lost, I was naturally more than open to the idea of receiving powerful assistance from the higher realms. I mean, I was asking for it, so, duh.

Not long after, when the ‘You are being given the Gift of Holy Discernment’ transmission came though clear as a bell, later realizing that this involuntary, ever-available head nod tool was the practical embodiment of this ‘gift’ (via The Holy Spirit), I began applying this to confirm/disconfirm what was interpreted to me, my hunches, and all that I was experiencing, hearing, receiving. (This is how it was determined the gift itself came via Holy Spirit). Wild as this was, and still is to me, it also makes sense. Because in that darkest hour where nothing was clear, where I literally began to feel like I could not trust my own senses outside of touch maybe, the main, really the only thing I was asking for was for clarity. Little did I imagine being bestowed with a built-in ability to discern what from what forevermore.

Fast forward a few years, with the onset of voice channeling, as I’ve now channeled Yeshua, Mother Mary, Mary Magdalene, Elohim, Seraphim, Goddesses Sophia and Isis (though not Saint Germain, yet, interestingly), it’s shifted me from wanting all this to be real/true, to believing it to be so, to knowing and trusting. A confirmed knowing. One that’s solidified my faith in The Divine, and trust in my own perception.

So, full circle, to be out at Panther Meadows, the very area where my Gateway Guide purportedly materialized to begin a communication about his role in the Divine Play, and his offering.

How Sweet!

Let’s GO!


Unlike the pedestrian fears I probably overemphasized in PT3 about heading out up the mountain alone, getting lost, hurt, abducted by Sascrotch (see: last pic at bottom of PT3 post) or worse, today I felt nothing but pure excitement and joy. Likely because my faith in my HG, in The Illumined Ones, was bolstered another notch by how all played out without a hitch the day before.

After parking, I take a while to bask in the most astounding, what seemed like 500 thousand foot view of the mountain valley, then find my way to the main trailhead entrance. This trail was far clearer than the faint, elusive trail leading me up and out to nowhere yesterday at Bunny Flats. And there were more humans present today, which put me at more ease.

I quickly reach what seemed like the beginning of the actual meadows. I saw a few folks standing, gazing, taking in the energy, so I knew I was in the right place. Unlike the rocky, rough, dusty terrain and dead silent, earthy grey-ish atmosphere of Bunny Flats, Panther Meadows, while having its share of rocky, rough trails, has a different appearance and vibe altogether. More lush in parts, and colorful, with gorgeous sounds of nature, running water, and sunflower covered fields in abundance.

And a distinctly etheric quality.

god compass

I wander through the main meadows area, where there’s Panther Spring with its reputed 100 year old water flowing through (I finish the day with a brief meditation there). I chat up an elderly lady who says she lives nearby. She hones right in on my intention for being out there with “You’re looking for the magic spots, aren’t you?”

I affirm, we laugh, And that was that.

Following a path out of the main meadows that takes me into a labyrinth of rocky trails, I have a sense that unlike the uphill climb yesterday, I’m to head down the mountain today, off one side of the meadows (no idea which direction). HG confirms this, and I follow a trail that takes me to another clearing, not as lush or yellow flower covered, but with trailhead markers, which again, is comforting.

Anyone need a drink?

nature calls, divine answers

I wasn’t going to include this, but by now you know I have a sense of humor. And near zero fucks left to give. I thought this was hilarious, so you might too.

HG points me down this path pictured above. About 10 minutes in, I’m further down the mountain and the trail I’m on is getting narrower, and less clear.

Suddenly, I sense a #2 is brewing. Damn. Thought I got it all over with before I left.

I try on for size whether it’s false alarm. Of course, it’s not. I’m otherwise fully invested in being where I am at this point, deep into Panther Meadows. Climbing back up, getting in the car and having to drive back to Bunny Flats where there’s a facility would really suck. (And I might not even make it, I remember thinking).

I try going on a little further, beginning to entertain utilizing my old Boy Scout training which involves particular kinds of leaves, if necessary. You get the picture.

I shit you not (not pun intended), I soon come upon a trail fork. I ask my HG which way to go. It indicates the right, which looks and feels like it’s taking me away from the direction it had been leading me. But I go with it.

30 seconds down this path, what do I find but a tiny, lone, very old looking one person port-o-potty! (Should have taken a picture for proof, but I had other urgent business).

Can’t fucking make this up!

I walk in there thinking “I’m so grateful…but, ugh, bet it’s gonna be gross and probably have no tp.” Wrong. As far as outhouses go, it was about as clean, pleasant, and stocked as you could ask for.

How good is God? You tell me.

Afterwards, I head back to the fork and ask again for direction. It takes me the way I thought it would have, underscoring that the detour was a Divine misdirection of sorts, for the obvious purposes :>

into the mystic

Relieved, in more ways than one, and knowing I’m on the right path to my mystery destination, I start heading into some tall, old ass tree-laden, deep canyon, super green lush territory. The sounds of babbling brooks gets louder. I can sense I’m close to where I’m being led. I’m starting to really feel the energy of this special place on the mountain.

And just like the day before, I round a slight corner, see this little, non-descript clearing and just know this is it. Ask HG: Confirmed.

can I just live here?

In stark contrast to the atmosphere way up on the Bunny Flats yesterday, with the eerie deafening silence and stark sense of solitude, while no humans were around this area either, this part of the mountain was teeming with beauty. Soothing sounds and vibrant colors. Yesterday had a distinctly more spacious, barren, galactic feel. Fitting in that it was a Venusian vortex, apparently.

This was very different.

I scout the immediate area, wade through the stream a bit, douse my amethyst in the water, and take in the energy for a while. Felt like I was exactly where I was supposed to be. Actually, it didn’t feel like it. I knew it.

Laying out my ground cover, I open my little seat-o-matic, recite some ad lib prayers, do my invocations, and open up to what will be. Before I settle in, I get a last impulse to capture one more snippet of the beauty of the immediate area before I start.

The second one reveals a pleasant little time-stamp synchronicity/confirmation:


Meditation #1

Right away it’s clear and I confirm my host/guide for this sit is Saint Germain. There’s a particular subtlety to how my head moves around in that infinity shape when he comes in. A whimsical dancy-ness. It’s his signature I suppose. So I knew it, and it was confirmed that, just as in my first sit yesterday, here he was again.

A minute or so in, my head movement slows, which is not unusual. Starts and stops occur frequently, especially as every guide that works with me seems to be exquisitely sensitive to the toll all the movement takes on my neck and associated muscles. So I get frequent ‘spirit stretches.’ I often feel a lot of tightness and tension up there, partially as a result of all this, the rest probably due to text neck, bad typing form, desk posture, etc). But the spirit stretches keep me out of pain. There’s never pain. Gratitude!

Then I realize, this isn’t a stretch break. My head goes still. I go with it, waiting to see what happens next.

And what does next blows my mind, followed by an onslaught of tears of joy.

A transmission/download came right in, clearer than anything. Not audibly, but a mental impression, a stamp, is the best I can say. And much as I’d like to share it here because it was so incredible, I’m keeping this transmission to myself. Something has to be held sacred, right? I knew right away, this isn’t to be broadcast. HG confirmed this.

Suffice to say, it was a blessing. Literally. Three succinct, descriptive sentences. And absolute confirmation, as if I needed more this point, that it was ordained for me to come out here.

The sit went on from there more or less as usual for another 20 or 30 minutes. And again, I thought if this was it, more than satisfied.

meditation #2

Quan Yin was my host for this sit. She worked with me at The Peace Garden on day two, and here she was again. For the third time this sit had to do again with clairaudience. This must be some kind of process to install or otherwise ready me for the clear hearing function, because its been the focus of many a sit for many weeks in a row now.

Otherwise, this was a beautiful, subtle, reasonably long meditation. No big bells and whistles. Just delightful communion with this Mother of Compassion once again.

Throughout this one I felt more enveloped in the atmosphere than ever. Like a real merging with the sounds, colors, and visceral feel of the atmosphere. I gotta meditate outside more often.

meditation #3

For this final sit, my host/guide was Portia. Portia is considered the Divine Counterpart of Saint Germain. Master Portia’s work is to assist transformation, magic, the dawning of new eons, development of psychic abilities, and manifestation. A powerful Goddess energy that brings guidance in our spiritual advancement, if we’re so inclined to look to these Masters along our journey.

Portia is alternately known as the ‘Goddess of Justice’ and ‘Goddess of Opportunity.’ Her energy focuses through the Violet Flame; bringing Divine Justice in places where there is no balance and harmony. She teaches us how to attain and maintain a balance and mental, emotional, physical and spiritual attributes using the elements of wind, earth, fire, and air. My kind of Lady! I’ve been blessed to have her come in many times over the last years.

Today, her work with me on the mountain was once again, about opening and/or preparing me for clairaudience. This sit, similar to the super wild one via Lady Master Nada yesterday, reached a fever pitch head movement-wise. There was again the extra neck stretching attention, testing out of ease of circular movement capacity, followed by intense, exponentially escalating clockwise and alternative counterclockwise head movements. I had the distinct feeling that this was some type of activation.

Two things I understand about the head movement phenomena during my communions: 1) It’s intelligently driven, sacred geometrical in action, and purposeful. 2) It’s not my own intelligence driving the bus. Other than that, your guess is as good as mine.

Anyhow, it went on for quite a while until that fever pitch of high velocity reached a zenith, then slowly unwound to the point of stillness. On the downturn I had the sense of being somewhat energy drained—a good tired feeling. I suspected that would be it for today. My head finally came to a stop. A pause, then started up again, but with a different shape and feeling.

Portia it seemed had ‘peaced-out,’ and this was someone else.

Checked with my HG. Mary Magdalene energy entered.

Mary of Magdala, a frequent host in recent Multidimensional Divine Light Transmission work with clients, and with whom I’ve had the pleasure of channeling multiple times now (as has one of my clients) popped in to signify the work was complete. Why her, I don’t know. But she gave the signal to head back up to Panther Meadows and the Spring to close out.

Before packing up, I asked about the significance of this space I was led to today. She confirmed it was a special, then also peaced-out (?). I checked with my HG. Ran through my list of best guesses and arrived at that it was basically a Great White Brotherhood Vortex.

The GWB is an esoteric conception of a larger organization, so to speak, like a council, of whom all Illumined/Holy Ones/Ascended Masters purportedly belong—spoken of in the Book of Revelation as the great multitude of saints ‘clothed with white robes’ who stand before the throne of God.

Once again, if I perceived this accurately, I’ll take it.

Panther Spring for the win

I hiked back up, marveling at the beauty of the mountain, the surroundings, and all the magic that took place today and every day out here. And at how fucking blessed and fortunate I AM.

Taking a seat at Panther Spring, there were a few folks sitting around, one lady throwing mudra shapes, closed eyes, in total silence. I happily joined the party.

As soon as I did, head starts wobbling. Apparently Mary stayed with me to take me out with one final brief mediation at the famed location. No more than 10 or 15 minutes, but a perfect cap to a beautiful day and a most wonderous experience.

Here’s one more snippet of Panther Meadows, then of the Spring:

A few weeks out, after several integration-oriented sits, I feel like I’m still there. Or I’ve taken it with me. Or both. And the integration will be going on for a while, especially since it was interpreted that I have little [conscious] idea of all that transpired. Where it’s all taking me I don’t know. The whole thing—from the onset of a Divine madness to the present day—is an unfolding beyond my control or awareness, as these types of things usually are.

I’m most excited about how this all will inform my work with others in tangible, perceivable ways. Because that’s what it’s about. Otherwise, it’s just self-serving. As it was confirmed just the other day that the potency of [my ability to serve as bridge/conduit for] the MDLT process increased by 40% as a result of all the activations and what not, I’m more curious than ever what’s in store, and how far this can go.

Moral of the story? If you get ‘the call’ to go visit a sacred space, GO!

THANK YOU anyone and everyone whose had the interest, patience (or just nothing else to do than :) to read this series.

THANK YOU Mt Shasta for the call, the magic, and changing my life.

THANK YOU Roxy Ghoraishy for the guiding and magical activations. You are Cosmic Stardust.

And THANKS to the awesome staff at Pipeline Craft Taps and Kitchen- Chris, Jeff, and the fellow weirdo Shasta locals I had the fortune of meeting, and for keeping me company each night over dinner!

‘May the heart of Christ be everywhere known’

-Tibetan Prayer

Om Namah Shivaya, Love, Ascension, Beloved I AM, and Divinely Materialized Port-O-Pottys,

Chris Hancock, LCSW, ACMHP

Franklin, TN / @therapyoutsidethebox
