Magical Journey to Mt Shasta (PT 1)

I think this is going to be a 3, possibly 4 part series to keep it from being the world’s longest blog post hardly anyone will read :> PT 1 here is about what all led to the decision to go, and my experiences on day one which started off with quite a bang. The next installments will likely be more concise.

Quick caveat: If you’re not familiar with me, or the type of phenomena described herein, you’ll likely arrive one of two polarized conclusions. 1) Some combination of: I get it/I’m inspired/I gotta go to Mt Shasta/I might want to work with this guy. 2) This dude flipped his lid. Delusional. He has no business working as a mental health professional. Fair. No contest. Truth is, I probably flipped my lid a long time ago. Multiple times. Might have even come out my sweet mama’s womb flipped. Just probably not in the way you may have been programmed to believe or interpret such a concept. As for me, my only regret is how long it took me to break the shackles of consensus reality conditioning, dissolve associated fear, inhabit courage, and fully, proudly wave my freak flag. How I look at it now is that I’ve gone nearly completely sane. In any case, I’m good with whatever you take from this, and what you may determine about yours truly. Perception is reality. And we see things as we are. Through a glass darkly, until we shed the meat suit. And even then, who knows.

Mostly, I’m writing this for documentation of my Mt Shasta experience. And, to attempt to convey what can happen when, with a little curiosity, faith and wonder, one opens up to a possibilistic view of life. And to the endless generosity, availability (but for the asking), infinitely pure love, grace and mercy of the Godhead; of the spirit world at large, and all that lies beyond the boundaries of 3D constructs.



As with lot of other sacred spaces around the world, as they say, the Mountain calls you.

Knowing even the little bit I did about the root chakra of the earth, as Native Americans deemed Mt Shasta, when I first heard this phenomena of being (psychically) called to it, I was intrigued. Then about 4 months ago, things about it started popping up everywhere. Including looking up one day while driving to see a tow trailer in front of me with SHASTA in big bold letters on the interstate as I’m literally pondering and deliberating deliberating about taking the trip, and mildly stressing about the expense, leaving my family, etc. I mean, what?

Before that were minds-eye visions, a dream of being there, then finally more than one channeled conformational message at the conclusion of recent meditations/spirit communions.

It was at that point that I knew the Mountain does in fact call us to her. Some say she’s calling us home. I now actually have one concrete reason to believe this as well, which I’ll mention in PT 2.

There’s even a Gaia documentary entitled Call of the Mountain, largely based on the experience of one who calls himself Paul of Venus, a Mt Shasta spiritual tour guide.

When I answered the call, I booked a tour of the mountain’s notorious hotspots—to get a feel for the various legendary interdimensional inner earth (not flat earth, inner earth. See: Agartha, Telos, purported connection to Lemuria, Atlantis) and other portals and vortexes, with Paul. Somehow, come two days before departure it got entirely screwed up on his electronic scheduling side, so it never come to pass. But as I surrendered the entire trip and everything about it to The Divine and my guides/higher guidance (heretofore ‘HG’), I concluded it was not meant to be with him. Fortunately, I had a second guide lined up, so I doubled up with her, and all was well.

No doubt

Saint Germain connection

Given that my post-Dark Night of the Soul/awakening-initiation ‘gateway guide,’ or ‘Ascended Master of Ceremonies,’ as I comically think of it, is Saint Germain (not just him, but he’s the main), the immortal Master Alchemist, Avatar of Aquarius, and purveyor of the Violet Transmuting Flame, loosely associated with the Rosicrucianism and Theosophy (Read: ‘Divine Union’) whose entire esoteric legacy begins with his documented appearance on Mt Shasta back in the 1930s, from which followed a series of dictations, books, and an entire ‘I AM’ movement, it made sense that I would get the call.

Perhaps even more sense that it would come just shortly after voice channeling came online, coinciding with the roll out of my 100% spirit-guided offering: A Spiritual Healing approach which is essentially an extension of my personal spirit communion/opening-to-channel odyssey that I was recently nudged to begin incorporating into my work. I was also instructed to name it: Multidimensional Divine Light Transmission. A mouthful, I know.

Anyway I figured going to the mountain would only stand to enhance this process, my work, and personal initiation odyssey in general. So why not go? But I had subtle misgivings. And then came a Divinely-inspired idea (i.e. download) as to how to generate additional means one day (something I never would have considered) to make the decision easier budget wise. Needless to say, I followed through on it. And it delivered even more than anticipated. Upon returning home, a generous, unanticipated check was waiting. And wouldn’t you know, the sum total of this means-generating idea covered the entire expense of the trip, almost to the dollar.

Ask, Believe, Receive, once again.


In anticipation of heading out, I did my best to let go all expectations and attachments outcomes; to surrender, as mentioned, the entire journey to The Divine and my guides. As you’ll see, I was not disappointed. And neither would you be if you’re so inspired to set up some complete surrender experiments. For me, that’s how this whole Outside the Box thing happened. That is, after nearly completely losing my mind and regaining a new and improved one following an insidious, near ten year DNOTS/burnout/midlife/existential crisis. I’m so beyond grateful for it now there aren’t even words. Because I’m now virtually totally free of fear and doubt (discernment yes, doubt, no)—especially with regard to being cared for and led but for the asking by a veritable army of higher sources, as well as about how I’m viewed by others/the outside world. My life, my work, and everything else has only gotten exponentially more beautiful, secure, connected, fulfilling, and magical since surrendering completely to a divinely guided life path. It can for you, too. This Universal law does not discriminate.

And as I wrote on my About page somewhere, if the Devil and his minions are pulling one over on me, they’re doing a helluva shitty job.


So I flew out on August 23rd, drove the hour from Redding to Shasta, and was completely awestruck by the first few glimpses of the mountain as I neared my destination. Got a good nights sleep, and bright and early the next morning meet up with my human guide, Roxy Ghoriashy.

To her great credit, and my infinite gratitude, this lady saved the day by rearranging her schedule to take me out on my first day there after my previously scheduled tour with Paul of Venus fell through. A sprightly woman of Persian decent with a notable lisp, Roxy arrived dressed like a cross between a Pixie, Barbara Eden in I Dream of Genie, and Vina, the dancing ‘Green Lady’ from that original Star Trek episode (minus the full body green paint). I’d expect no less from a modern mystic, starseed, galactic light language speaker, crystal alchemy singing bowler, author of a book of poetry titled I Am Cosmic Stardust, and Mt Shasta spiritual tour guide, herself was called the Mountain and never left.

My kind of people, apparently :>

8/24/23 - destination #1

I find out the road to the actual mountain was closed due to recent mudslides, which temporarily bummed me out until I remembered and recommitted to all according Divine plan. I said a prayer for the highest and best good to come to pass regarding this. We instead today head to some of the surrounding lakes and waterfalls, themselves notorious energetic hotspots. Roxy’s view, and that of many others, is that the entire mountain and the natural wonders surrounding it are all active containers of ancient and interdimensional energy, vortexes and portals, etc. All we need do is approach with intention to connect to and experience this energy, be open to receive/perceive, and assist with reverent prayers, rituals, activations, and engage a meditative state. I’m down.

We start at a spot along Lake Siskiyou. The view of the mountain from there is breathtaking. We get a little acquainted, get grounded, and prepare for a meditation. Roxy begins an invocation that organically morphs into light language. When you first hear light language spoken, it’s bizarre sounding. Indecipherable, and probably sounds like gibberish to most. After all, it’s said to be a native cosmic/galactic culture language transmission, so of course it’s not going to sound familiar. All I know is I’m intrigued when I hear it.

In this case, to my surprise, it seemed to initiate something entirely beyond mere intrigue.

Not 3 minutes after the light language portion commenced, I started feeling something distinct, mainly in my chest. It quickly escalated in waves into a palpable, powerful energetic heart expansion/opening as if something extremely powerful, pure and immensely loving was arising from deep within my heart cavity, yet clearing being initiated from without.

From there, waves and waves of an oscillating, full body energy immersion took place. How, what, why, caused by what exactly I did not know. I tried to stay out of my head and just experience it. And there was nothing in me that didn’t welcome it, and it literally felt other-worldy (a clue). Then an intensely beautiful escalating wave of pure joy and ecstasy took me to the brink, to the point that I remember telling my guide I thought I might burst into tears. She said she might cry if I did! We laughed and went with it.

It was at this point, perhaps partially to forestall erupting into tears, I thought to check with my HG on what/who is responsible for this sensation? I quickly run through my punch list of the higher guides, holy ones, masters, angels and various galactic collectives that have connected with me over the last years—as well as those fabled ancient cultures (Lemurians, Telosians, etc) and galactic /cosmic cultures long associated with Mt Shasta (Arcturians, Pleiadeans, etc). I get no immediate hits.

Not one to give up, I keep checking, and suddenly get a ‘yes’ on Lyran. Yes, this was Lyran collective cosmic energy, according to my HG. According to some Lyra, in the constellation of Vega (I think), is the origin point of multidimensional life in the Universe. Lyrans are considered cosmically to be a most ancient galactic culture, and super high frequency Star Beings. They’re also said to be Feline—lion beings—by some white lions and lioness Gods and Goddesses of pure love, peace, and light. There’s allegedly also a Lyran Avian culture, but my hit was on Lyran Feline energy infusing me here with pure heart blasting love and joy. I’ll take it.

I shared this with Roxy and then suddenly felt the need to get up, move my body, and disperse the energy. I half regret this now, wondering, how long might it have lasted if I hung in there and let it do its thing? Where else would it have gone? What else might have happened? Oh well. In any case, wow, what a way to kick it off.

Most unexpected.

Shasta over Lake Siskiyou

destination #2

We find a perfect spot right along the edge of Castle Lake. It being a weekday, presumably, just like at Siskiyou, hardly anyone in sight. Roxy set up her crystal alchemy bowls and we settle in for a singing-bowl vibration/tone assisted light code activation meditation. I didn’t ask specifics because it didn’t feel necessary. The setting was serene and alive, and the vibe thus far with my intrepid guide on point. And after what I had just viscerally experienced, why question?

Castle lake, the lore about it, is that it’s situated literally on top of an ancient Lemurian crystal castle. Meaning, there’s said to be active post-destruction Atlantean/Lemurian (See: Rudolph Steiner, Edgar Cayce) second and third root race defectors alive and well, living under Castle Lake. This is connected to the mythos of the earths far reaching, hidden inner world known as Agartha, said to be inhabited by an Agarthan culture, as well as more interdimensionally by Telos/Telosian culture, as well as it being connected to portals/gateways for other more conventionally galactic interdimensional positive polarity/benevolent “ET’s” such as Arcturians, Pleiadeans, and Venusians.

That out there enough for you?

Whether fact or fiction, mythic/woo woo legend or possible mystical non-consensus reality paradoxical truth along the lines of Neils Bohr’s famous statement about your theory is crazy but not crazy enough to be true, I don’t know. But I’m a possibilist, so I’ll leave it there. Reader decide.

Once the invocation, activation and crystal bowl tones got going, a parade of ducks come right up to us, presumably responding to the tone and vibrations of the bowls echoing across and throughout the lake. That was interesting. I don’t think I’ve seen ducks swim up toward humans outside of ponds where they’ve grown accustomed to being fed.

Then I soon start feeling some kind of energy. And energy that felt distinctly other, and good. Serious. Almost erudite, somehow. But safe, and good.

I suddenly feel moved to leave my on-land meditative perch and get into the lake. Once in the beautiful clean, pure water Mt Shasta is known for, I remember looking out, vibrating along with the singling bowl tones, turn away from my guide, gazing across the lake, and begin fixating upon a particular portion of the mountain. I fall into a peaceful,. reverent, mild trance-like state. No sooner I begin to perceive—more along the lines of mental/cognitive perception or download—Ancient Egyptian energy present with and within me. I mention it to Roxy. She says ‘wow!’ laughs, continues toning the bowls and repeating her ad-lib spoken word activation.

I checked my HG but couldn’t nail down who exactly was with me. Isis? No. Osiris? No. Horus? No. Ra? No. A collective? Yes. That’s the most I could get. Fair enough. I go with it.

I suppose sense can be made as to why I connected with Egyptian energy, and why here and now in this place, at least given the reputed galactic origin of the Egyptian Gods and Goddesses. And the connection between the Ascended Masters I’m in communion with and the ancient Egyptian Mystery Schools, and Temples of Initiation at Luxor where many a Master including Yeshua/Christ was said to be instructed and initiated during his apparent missing years (roughly 15-32).

Anyway, next thing I know I’m downloading that I-my soul-this soul-lived a (past) life in ancient Egypt. Which of course reminds me right away of my last psychedelic experience (5grms of Guadalajara mushrooms last October) where I spend a good deal of time in a trippy ancient Egyptian setting after being rebirthed into the womb of Gaia via a hedgehog (reminiscent of the Egyptian Hedgehog Goddess Abaset).

And that was it, just that. Transmission/download complete, followed by an incredible wave of pure bliss. Different from the blissful, joyful waves just experienced at Siskiyou, but amazing nonetheless. Comparable to a sense of relief at having just been handed a key, or key piece of the puzzle.

Once before in a healing session with someone who would bring through intuitive past life impressions, the same thing was interpreted to me. That I was the brother or son of a pharaoh in ancient Egypt, or something. It meant little at the time, and this person turned out to be problematic, so I had written it off. But this is harder to dismiss. I don’t generally put a lot of energy into the past life thing, but, coming the way it did here, and because this entire trip was destined, I’m inclined to give it a extra credence.

In any case, given the purported connection between Ancient Egypt the fabled Lemurian and Atlantean civilizations, galactic/cosmic cultures, and Mt Shasta, perhaps this is how I was meant to perceive it.

Pure Bliss in Castle Lake

Roxy preparing for crystal alchemy bowl light code activation @ Castle Lake

Destination #3

On quite a high from the experiences at both lakes, we head over to our last location for the day, Faery Falls. Faery Falls is well known in the woo woo circles to have a strong Arcturian energy connection, and to generally be a vortex-type spot in its own right.

Faery Falls is beautiful. Not huge, remote, but ethereal and definitely earthy-elemental in that fairy and gnomish kind of way. We didn’t do any kind of activation or ritual in this locale. We just got in there, frolicked around in the water, leaned up against the ‘Arcturian wall,’ invoked, prayed, and soaked up the energy.

I took a few pics a brief videos at the outset, and my guide took more while there. It was a peaceful, connected, joyful experience all its own.

I’ll finish this [PT 1] out with a few choice pics that paint an interesting picture of possible energetic/spiritual phenomenon photographically evident. No downloads, heart-openings or other wildly visceral experience like in the previous locations. Just a blissful time wading in the cascading water of the falls, and continuous curiosity about what can be seen in the images captured, posted below.

Violet Flame of Saint Germain + Plasma orb?

Violet Flame?

Roxy looks at this yellow band as light code. My HG identifies it as Sirian.

Yellow orb?

Giving thanks and signing off for the day…

We departed Faery Falls and bid each other adieux for the day, reconnecting the next for more. That will be the focus of PT 2, while PT 3 will be about my last two days solo out on the mountain with nature, deafening silence, and the presence of multiple higher sources who called me out there :>

In the meantime…

Peace, Feline Being Love, Plasma Orb Energy, and Ancient Egyptian Blessings,

Chris Hancock, LCSW, ACMHP

Franklin, TN / @therapyoutsidethebox
